Purchasing Knowledge

Buying a house can be very intimidating. Radiant Financial can give you confidence that you can enter the housing market knowing that you are ready for it. We pride ourselves in making the process as easy and transparent as possible.

Need a pre-approval? We make it quick and easy. Pre-approvals can take as little as 30 minutes.

Have a question? Just ask! With over 20 years of experience, we have the knowledge you need. We are available any time to help you.

purchasing Options

New purchasing programs are available every day. We specialize in the following:

  • FHA (low down payment, easy credit requirements)
  • Conventional (can offer the lowest possible payments)
  • VA (easy 100% financing for Veterans)
  • Stated Income (it's back... sort of)
  • Private Money (offers you options regular loans just can't)